Are your sub-conscious beliefs holding you back from Big Money?
If you’re not as wealthy as you desire to be, the answer is most probably yes. The only proven way to change our deeply ingrained sub-conscious beliefs is through repetition. So get on the mantra and affirmation bandwagon and stay on it. As the great Zig Ziglar said,
“Motivation is like bathing. It works but you have to do it every day!”
This stuff only works if you don’t quit.
Here are some money affirmations for you to try.

Select what resonates with you and your situation and then paste them everywhere and say them out loud multiple times a day.
Combine this work with faith, and inspiration will follow. Act on the inspiration without
quitting, and riches will follow.
My Fortune is in my FAITH
I can do ALL things through the powerful divine within me
I dwell in a sea of abundance. I see clearly my inexhaustible supply. I see clearly what to do.
I now release the goldmine within me
Money is my friend. I can do so much good with money
Every day in every way I’m getting better and better
I love money and money loves me. Money flows to me effortlessly. I’m a badass at making money!
Money comes to me in great avalanches of abundance! All my needs, desires and goals are met instantaneously by infinite
Intelligence. I am one with God and God is everything! (Courtesy of Tony Robbins)
Money comes when it’s called and stays where it’s welcome
Money is my friend. I treat it with gratitude and respect. It’s always there for me
Money flows to me effortlessly under grace in a perfect way
I was born to be rich. I was born to be generous
Before I call, I am answered, for the supply precedes my demand
My faith is all powerful and my heart’s desire now comes to pass under grace in a miraculous way
I do not limit my Source. With the Divine, ALL things are possible
My financial situation is temporary. It is not who I am, it’s where I am. Money is all around me, I’m going to find some and make this happen!
