I believe that being connected to a higher power - to a Universal Intelligence, God,
whatever you want to call it - is a crucial part of living a happy and successful life. As I
write this, I am thinking of that quote from A Course in Miracles which states that “If you
knew who walked beside you at all times, on this path that you have chosen, you will
never experience fear and doubt again.”

Fear and doubt are the opposite of confidence and courage. Believing that you are guided and supported goes a long way to building confidence and accessing courage.
Believing in a spiritual force for good, or whatever you choose to call it, gives us hope,
comfort, power, guidance, support, and strength. We are able to trust ourselves, take
risks, find our purpose, and achieve astonishing success. Believing seems like a no-
brainer to me.
Make a decision—the decision to believe.
Don’t waste your life questioning and postulating on the existence of God.
You can choose to feel supported and guided and trusting of yourself, or to feel alone and skeptical, doubting yourself and constantly questioning your confidence, courage and worthiness. At the end of the day, it really is a simple choice: tune in and trust or not.
The Universal Spirit manifests itself in what we call intuition. And in my opinion, there is
nothing more integral to living an extraordinary and valuable dream life than intuition.
Intuition is divine guidance, and we need to listen to it. This belief gives us tremendous
strength to ride the storms of life and to follow our dreams with guts and determination.
You are supported and your divine intuition is real and true, so follow it. Don’t ignore
those intuitive flashes of brilliance. They come from the Universal Spirit that exists within
Know this: your intuition does not play it safe. But that’s why faith is so important. Faith
enables you to take the risks necessary to follow your gut because you truly believe that
those intuitive hits, even if they seem crazy, come to you for a reason.
Tips for Finding Faith
Look to nature.
There is tremendous evidence of the existence of the Creator in nature. Marvel at its beauty and wondrous workings and you will begin to feel connected to a force greater than yourself.
Spend time alone.
I mean really alone—not even in the company of your TV, computer, book, radio, or phone. The Universal Spirit resides within you and not on its own little continent in the sky. You need to be quiet and still in order to tune in to it.
Don’t stress over what you call “It.”
From God to Buddha or from The Universe to the Source, it really doesn’t matter. What matters is that you believe.
Read inspiring books.
Keep it short and simple but do it. Sit quietly for a few minutes each day and clear you mind of all thought. Focus on your breath.
Practice gratitude daily.
You will begin to feel connected to your soul. Faith in no way discounts responsibility—we are responsible for our own lives. Faith without action is useless, and without faith, most of us would not take action in the first place. In life, we must take the actions necessary to create change, to build confidence, or to run with an opportunity. Ask God/the Universe for
guidance, take action on everything within your control, and then, only then, “Let go, let God.” In other words, surrender. It’s a powerful way of living and when you live this way, you will feel confident and take the necessary risks for big success!
